The „Hám János” kindergarten was ascribed to the Roman-Catholic Theological “Hám János” High School in 2007. Currently, there are 8 pre-school groups with 200 children. The institution has 4 groups where children study in Hungarian language and there are 4 groups in German language for different age groups. Educational- instructional teaching developed within out institution is based on autonomy principle, in accordance to legislation in force.
The main aim of the kindergarten is to teach children in the christian spirit, preserving the christian values: empathy, patience, tolerance and compassion.
The principles and values that govern the education of children in our kindergarten refer to individualized education, ensuring full rights to each child as person who defines himself, with equal opportunities. We consider extremely important the implication of the family as our principle is to educate children ’’together’’.
Our kindergarten offer support to each child, helping each of them to become independent, to socialize, to communicate and to develop his personality in christian spirit. How a child is educated has a great importance from all points of view: psychic, cognitiv, sensitive, emotional, social- spiritual.
Children in the kindergarten are prepared for school using specific strategies in accordance to their age particularity. Besides educational instructional process, our children are taught religious education, traditional german dance, rhythmic gymnastics.
A wide range of extra curricular activities are organized with and for children and their families: St. Martin’s Day, Fairs, St. Elisabeth’s Day, Saint Nicholas Day, Carnivals, Fathers’ Day, Easter, Mothers’ Day, Children’s Day, Kindergarten Open Days, Te Deum, and many trips.